Which Mirai Nikki Character Are You? Personality test!

Which anime character would you like to be? Here's Which Mirai Nikki Character Are You? Test! Which Mirai Nikki Character Are You? Answer the questions of our anime personality quiz with the quiz and find out which Mirai Nikki character you are! We offer you anime personality test with Mirai Nikki test!

1. If you had a future diary, what would it be?

If you had a future diary, what would it be?
I'd like to see me 10 minutes later.
I wish I could see the next 10 minutes of the person I love.
Ability to control dogs (Condemnation diary)
Log reading forecasts of other logs
I wish I had an escape diary from a bad situation.

2. Would you kill someone for someone you love?

Would you kill someone for someone you love?
I don't know, I might kill myself if I lose myself.
I don't find it logical to kill someone.
What will my profit be from this business?
Yes, I would do it for my loved ones. As long as my loved ones don't get hurt.
To kill someone? No, nobody should die.

3. Do you often think of yourself in social situations?

Do you often think of yourself in social situations?
Yes, I think about myself.
I think about myself, but I also try so that people don't get hurt.
No, I try to open more love.
I think if it will be of any use to others, but I also think about myself first.
I don't focus on myself because I'm curious about people's opinions.

4. If you were stuck in a place with 5 people, would you try to adapt to other people in such a situation or would you make a plan yourself?

If you were stuck in a place with 5 people, would you try to adapt to other people in such a situation or would you make a plan yourself?
I was looking for ways to get out of there myself.
I would adapt to other people's ideas.
I would try to come up with a plan, but if people have logical ideas, I can accept it.
I would have already prepared my plan in case I was ever in such a situation.
I can't produce many plans, I followed people's ideas.

5. Do you have more realistic dreams or unrealistic dreams?

Do you have more realistic dreams or unrealistic dreams?
Realistic dreams make me sad.
I have more goals than dreams.
I don't dream much.
Unrealistic dreams bullshit why dream of something that won't come true
Dreams about the real world are so boring

6. To be loved by people or to love someone more than your life?

To be loved by people or to love someone more than your life?
My loved ones are my everything.
It is very tiring work to be loved, to love.
Why would it be both?
To be loved is, of course, a very sad thing to love without being loved.
You never know if people love you, but you think they do. That's why to love, because you feel loved with all your heart.

7. Can you easily control your emotions?

Can you easily control your emotions?
This is child's play for me.
It is inability to decide with feelings or feelings.
No matter how hard I try, I guess they control me
In the middle, sometimes I can control it, sometimes I can't.
Although sometimes they control me, it's like I have the upper hand

8. When you see an event, can you guess why it usually happens?

When you see an event, can you guess why it usually happens?
I'm not making any guesses.
I try not to let this get too busy for me.
I immediately think of a reason.
We can only guess from the outside, but I have certain guesses.
For a moment, I wonder if it's like this, but I don't really care.

9. If your parents don't love you, would you still love them?

If your parents don't love you, would you still love them?
Why did they give birth to me if they wouldn't love me?
It hurts me that they don't love me but it's not the end of the world
I look for the reason why they don't like it.
It saddens me a lot and I turn away from them.
I'm so sad, I'm crying.

10. Do you worry if someone doesn't answer you right away?

Do you worry if someone doesn't answer you right away?
Yes, I wonder why he didn't answer right away.
I wonder if he doesn't love me.
I think there is a logical reason why he didn't answer necessarily.
I'm a little pissed off for making me wait
I wait for him to answer without thinking anything.