Which Solo Farming In The Tower character are you? Personality Test!

Have you ever wondered which Farmer in the Tower character you would be if you fell into that world? To satisfy this curiosity, we have prepared a personality test for you! According to your answers in the test, we tell you which Farmer in the Tower character of SpaceManga you are!

1. What is your first reaction when faced with a difficult situation?

What is your first reaction when faced with a difficult situation?
I stay calm and think solution-orientated.
I seek the help of those around me.
I use my strengths to solve the problem on my own.
I do my best to express my feelings.
I analyse the situation and try to implement the most logical solution.

2. What role do you take when you get together with a group of people?

What role do you take when you get together with a group of people?
I'm observant and quiet.
I am helpful and supportive.
I take a leadership role.
I'm fun and humorous.
I am planned and organised.

3. How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe yourself?
Logical and pragmatic.
Compassionate and self-sacrificing.
Strong and independent.
Free-spirited and adventurous.
Successful and ambitious.

4. Do you give up in the face of difficulties?

Do you give up in the face of difficulties?
I never give up, I fight until I reach my goal.
Sometimes I feel like giving up, but with the support of my loved ones I get back on my feet.
I am never afraid of difficulties, I am even more motivated to overcome them.
Sometimes I prefer to give up, I don't like taking risks.
Giving up is never an option, I always try to do my best.

5. Do you like to be alone?

Do you like to be alone?
Yes, being alone gives me peace.
No, I don't like to be alone, I prefer to be with people.
I'm not afraid to be alone, I'm self-sufficient.
I like both being alone and being with people, I try to find a balance.
I do not like to be alone, I prefer to co-operate with people to complete my work.

6. What is your most important priority in life?

What is your most important priority in life?
To be strong and independent.
To make my loved ones happy.
To be successful and achieve my goals.
Having fun and living a full life.
To make the world a better place.

7. When you have to make a choice, how do you decide?

When you have to make a choice, how do you decide?
According to my logic and reason.
According to my feelings and intuition.
According to my strengths and what I can do.
Depending on my immediate feelings and the situation at the time.
According to my long-term plans and goals.

8. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Calm, intelligent, alone.
Compassionate, helpful, altruistic.
Strong, independent, brave.
Free-spirited, adventurous, fun.
Successful, ambitious