Kimi no Na wa Trivia Quiz! (Medium-Hard)
Are you a true Kimi no Na wa watcher? So do you even believe that yourself? Here is our Kimi no Na wa knowledge test that allows you to learn the truth! Come in and let's take our anime quiz!
1. What color is the ribbon Mitsuha wears in his hair and then gives Go Taki?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
2. Which character in the movie called "dialect" had an accent?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
3. What did the red ribbon Mitsuha gave to Taki symbolize?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
4. What word did Mitsuha's friends often use to describe where they lived?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
5. What stuffed animal did Mitsuha have on the floor next to her bed?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
6. Where does Taki work?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
7. What did Taki Mitsuha write on her hand?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
8. What does it mean that Mitsuha's grandmother said she was tying something up and the passage of time?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
9. What is the name of the lake that Kimi no Na wa was inspired by?

Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
10. What does Taki want to be?