What are the Types of -Dere of Anime? We explain!
We are explaining to you all of these character types, which are often seen in anime and the most popular of which are yandere! Here are the types of anime and their meanings!

Yandere characters usually come across as cute, harmless, innocent, and overly sweet from the outside at first. But they are real psychopaths. They are overly attached to the people they love, so even the slightest harm to them will make them suffer internally, so they have an overprotective and possessive nature. Yandere people who love their loved ones "to death" will do anything for their loved ones. From torturing other people to killing them. Not only that, they can even kill their loved ones.
But our yanderes are not always like this. In general, they experienced a heavy trauma in their childhood and as it can be seen, they could not get over the trauma. Everyone knows that Yandere characters are more famous than other types of characters. Well, is there ever a yandere in real life? That's right, some people who are crazy about yandere characters and various reasons are just like the yandere in the anime we watch.
From the outside, the kudere appear cold, indifferent, egotistical, and condescending, and the kuderes are usually the smartest. But they are not like that, let's just say they are not able to show their feelings. They usually hang out alone and that's what they want anyway. The kuderes, who are closest to normal people, have high self-confidence and they will not care about you whether you care about them or not. But in general, they feel unnecessary sympathy towards our main character, or we can call it a sense of competition. Of course, they eventually confess to the main character and are quite embarrassed by it.
Tsunderes are very confused with kuuders. Mostly in this way; They do not show their emotions like kuuders and tsunderes. Although their nature is tough and aggressive on the outside, they are very shy and sincere on the inside.
Tsunderes do not show their emotions, just like kuderes, but they display a tough, aggressive and belligerent attitude next to it. And of course, our main character sees "the real feelings in him" and sticks to this character so that he can express himself. After that, he maintains his old harsh demeanor even if he tells his "true feelings and thoughts" at work. Oh, let me add that female tsunderes are called "tsunderekko", and male tsunderes are called "oranyan".
The most distinctive features of Danderes are that they are quiet and calm, and they are also extremely shy. They are often confused with tsundes because they are two types of silent hangers. But the biggest difference is that the danderes do not do it voluntarily, it is in their nature, that is, in their personalities, this silence. Tsunderes, on the other hand, do it completely on purpose.
Even at the slightest interest, they can immediately become embarrassed. They want to be as secluded as possible. They don't talk unless necessary, they don't want anyone's attention. This is why some of our dander does not even say a word about the bullying made against them because even telling the incident to someone will draw all eyes on them.
Moe is a reaction expression, but fans often use the moe genre for cute, warm, friendly, smiling characters. At the same time, moe characters can be emotionless, unresponsive, and cold. As you can see, it's a pretty comprehensive genre.
Yet another species mixed with tsunderes. Tsunshuns are also a species that refrains from showing their emotions. Our difference is that instead of displaying aggressive and violent behavior, they act shy and cold. They can be very cruel and harsh, and they hate to be belittled or seen as destroyed. They usually hang out alone and do everything alone, Eating at work, studying, playing games, etc.
The Himedere personality is very attention-hungry and they are never satisfied with anything. As the name suggests, Himedere is a "princess". Or at least that's how they see themselves, and they want other people to see them that way too.
They will never be satisfied with the attention you give them. They want the best and most expensive of everything. They are naturally fond of jewelry and money. They belittle and humiliate everyone because they see themselves as a princess. They hide their feelings and act aggressively and condescendingly just to avoid being humiliated by other people.
Yangires are just like yanderes, but while jealousy and love come to the fore in yanderes, they are in the foreground for yangires. They are generally cute and sweet like most characters. Yangires' personalities are overprotective but towards themselves. Sometimes paranoid, yangies suffer from personality disorders.
They go crazy faster than normal because they can't stand the insults or criticism of other people. And they can act like a yandere. They also have a traumatic past like yandere. And they often tend to protect themselves. Because of this, a selfish and careless person emerges.
Deredere is in almost every anime. They are always the most energetic, happiest, clumsiest, funniest. What they do best is spread joy and happiness around them and entertain our main character (if not the main character).
The kamidere see themselves as the god of the world or the universe. They look like the same himedere, but the situation is more serious. He is such a psychopath that these characters will do whatever it takes to make people accept themselves as their god. And they often have a supernatural power that no one else has.
Loli is often used for characters who are short and look like children. They are quite innocent and funny.
Mayaderes are the characters who treat the main character badly at first, make fun of them and make them suffer. Later, they either fall in love with the main character or pity them, so they try to make up for themselves by not acting like they used to.
All the characters with glasses you see are in this category. It does not look for any personality traits.