Which Ao Haru Ride Character Are You? Personality test!

Which anime character would you like to be? Here's Which Ao Haru Ride Character Are You? Test! Which Ao Haru Ride Character Are You? Answer the questions of our anime personality quiz with the quiz and find out which Ao Haru Ride character you are! We offer you anime personality test with Ao Haru Ride test!

1. If you were to steal, what would you steal?

If you were to steal, what would you steal?
I wouldn't steal because people condemn me and they don't like me
I would not steal because every theft is actually the theft of labor and I give great importance to labor.
I used to steal people's information. I would like to be able to steal information about what he likes, what his dreams are.
I would steal all the weapons and their crafting information so that wars would stop until new weapons were invented.
The heart of the one I love :3 (hehehe)

2. Would you like to be gifted?

Would you like to be gifted?
Superior intelligence requires superior responsibility. If I was gifted, I would think if I could meet the requirements of it.
I wish I could understand people better and not offend them.
Yes, it would be nice for me to help people better and understand them, but it wouldn't be among my priorities because "Eyes can't see what needs to be seen, one must look with the heart"
So I don't care much about intelligence, feelings are important to me, whether a person is good or not.It would be nice if it was so that I could reach a more accepted and higher position in society and get people to like me.
It would be nice if it was so that I could reach a more accepted and higher position in society and get people to like me.

3. You don't like how someone behaves?

You don't like how someone behaves?
From someone who shouts without listening to people
I don't like this behavior of someone who thinks and talks negatively all the time.
I don't like conflict, I don't like someone who always causes trouble and shouts.
I don't like anyone who is insecure, doesn't like to talk, doesn't want friends.
If he doesn't take his job seriously, it can be anything, for example, if he looks around while talking to me, I don't like that person.

4. What do you think about apologizing?

What do you think about apologizing?
I think an apology is a very important thing, everyone should apologize if they made a mistake, but unfortunately, most people don't even realize that they hurt the other person, let alone apologize :(
I don't think one should beg or not beg according to people.
If an apology is to be made, an apology should not be made to just pass it off.
I never want to offend anyone, I apologize directly for that
Apologies should be used as little as possible because the words I love you and I'm sorry lose their value when used too much.

5. What type of friend would you like?

What type of friend would you like?
to be alone
Friends who love you but shallow
A lot of friends who don't love you that much
Who truly loves you but only one friend
He will remember the things I love, but I want few friends, if not, I don't want any.

6. What do you expect from a friend?

What do you expect from a friend?
I want him to have the same morals as me
I want him to follow tradition and fulfill his own responsibilities
I expect him to be generous, loyal and helpful.
Be helpful, supportive and avoid conflict as much as possible.
I want it to be understanding and empathetic. accept me as i am

7. What sentence or word would you be shocked to hear?

What sentence or word would you be shocked to hear?
If someone I love very much forgets me completely and says they don't know you
You are of no use to anyone!
You are a bad person and you hurt people!
You have no value in society!
You're irresponsible and can't do anything!

8. What would be a moment that you will never forget?

What would be a moment that you will never forget?
All the beautiful moments I have with someone I love are unforgettable for me.
A day where we had fun until the morning when I organized a person and gathered them in one place.
I guess it would be if I was very successful at something that my family and society could love me for, so my high-achieving moments
I would be very happy if I found out that someone I love knows me very well and throws a birthday party that shows me they know me.
It would be nice to have a moment where I guide and help many people.

9. What is your most intolerant behavior?

What is your most intolerant behavior?
Behaviors of people who envy people and talk behind their backs
Behaviors of people who act hurtfully without thinking about the other person
silence in the face of injustice
Behaviors of lazy people who do not follow the rules
It makes me very nervous and sad when people constantly criticize without knowing it.

10. What Aura do you usually emit?

What Aura do you usually emit?
Charismatic, tolerant, leader, reliable, compassionate
Sincere, warm, harmonious, emotional, romantic, sensitive
Helpful, loyal, friendly, responsible
Honest, frank, calm
Reliable, supportive, overly modest, touchy