Which Violet Evergarden Character Are You? Personality test!

Here it is for you! Which Violet Evergarden character are you? Test! Answer the questions and we tell you which character you are based on your answers! Here we offer you an anime personality test with the test of which Violet Evergarden character you are!

1. If you wore a brooch, what would it represent?

If you wore a brooch, what would it represent?

2. If you receive a letter from whom, you would be blown away with happiness?

If you receive a letter from whom, you would be blown away with happiness?
I would be very happy if a letter was written from my loved ones stating that I was approved and loved.
from the person i love
From someone I love that I think I can't express myself
A letter from my family or someone whose opinion I care about that I am a successful and good person
I would be delighted if there was a letter from one of my favorites about a very fun trip.

3. What kind of wife would you like?

What kind of wife would you like?
I would like a partner who is reliable, helpful, has the same morals as me, and appreciates my efforts.
Loyal, reliable and also fulfill his responsibilities in the relationship
Those who want to live an adventurous and active life, sympathetic and cheerful. I want an understanding and comforting wife.
I can share your feelings and thoughts. I would like a wife to support me in my dreams.
I would like someone who is generous, loyal, willing to help his wife.

4. What do you not understand in this life, what is incomprehensible to you?

What do you not understand in this life, what is incomprehensible to you?
I don't understand people who don't like interacting with people.
Emotions, due to my nature, I have a hard time understanding people's feelings.
I don't understand empty talk at all. Why do people talk nonsense? All conversations should be meaningful to me
I don't understand rude and callous people.
I don't understand boring people at all, laugh a little, my uncle

5. If your feelings in your dreams were a letter, what emotion would it be about?

If your feelings in your dreams were a letter, what emotion would it be about?
Joy and Disgust
Joy and Surprise
Fear and Joy
I feel no fear or any emotion
Sadness and Fear

6. Which ones are closer to the words you value or care about in your life?

Which ones are closer to the words you value or care about in your life?
Responsibility, safety, peace, honesty
To be loved, peace, stability, security
Fun, new experiences, party :D
Hidden meanings, possibility, helping people, intuition
Warm, kind and good-hearted

7. How are you at understanding people's feelings?

How are you at understanding people's feelings?
I think I am good at reading people. I like to please people.
I believe in the good in people. I care about the feelings of the other person. I am very good at providing emotional support.
I have very good intuition about this.
It has a generous and sympathetic disposition. I follow people well and offer solutions to needs.
Ov, I suck but I'm really trying to understand them

8. Would you like your arms to be made of metal, how would you use this metal arm?

Would you like your arms to be made of metal, how would you use this metal arm?
I would do my work faster with these arms, I would have completed more work, and this way, I would have time for the things I didn't care about much.
With these metal arms, I could make myself a superhero to some extent.
It would be fun, what wouldn't I do with it! For once, if I had such an arm, it would carry me very well. Wouldn't it be fun to climb somewhere!?
I wouldn't want what people think about me later
I wouldn't want it, it's useless, I love my own arm.

9. What kind of letter made you very sad?

What kind of letter made you very sad?
When I write to someone I care about, I get very upset if I receive a negative letter or criticism from them.
I would be very upset by a letter saying that I am of no use to anyone.
I was deeply saddened by a letter about the harsh truth about a person I care about and love.
A letter telling me to do a boring job
I was very upset by a letter about being successful and failing at a job that I could do very well.

10. If you could do a job for a long time without getting tired, what would you use this power for?

If you could do a job for a long time without getting tired, what would you use this power for?
I used to collect information about my loved ones and use this information to store it.
To have more fun with my friends
I used to gather my loved ones and use them to organize.
I would improve myself in understanding people better. In this way, I can be more helpful to people.
I would use it for tasks I had to do. Since I did a lot of work, they were a burden to me, this feature is good.

11. Do you always want to meet other people?

Do you always want to meet other people?
I would love to even organize it myself.
I like people and new experiences.
There is a helpful and warm production. I have a lot of things I want to tell people, but it would be tiring. Not all the time, but once a month wouldn't be bad.
In an environment that I just entered, I'm more interested in making arrangements around rather than chatting with strangers, so I wouldn't really want to.
I would like to meet you, it means I can help many people, but it was tiring for me. I probably wish I didn't talk to anyone for 3 days after meeting someone new.